"A catalyst in the transformation of healthcare"

Ease your body into
working with you

Back towards balance

It IS possible to work your body back towards balance (function!).


Dys-functional biology occurs long before a diagnosis is made. 


In our modern world of suffering and chronic complaints & conditions, Functional Medicine brings promise and hope.


Every sign and symptom that a unique body presents is key communication that should be acknowledged, with the cause(s) then identified & addressed.


If your doctor has sent you away "all normal" and you're not happy with that, I'd love to meet you.

"As a catalyst in the transformation of healthcare, functional medicine takes a comprehensive approach to prevention, health, and well-being; treats root causes of disease; and restores healthy function through a personalized patient experience — all while being a vital partner to conventional medicine."


Institute of Functional Medicine


Local Clinic

Angela Thomson

" I'm so glad I trusted my instincts this time and decided to embark on a journey with Louise. My health has been deteriorating for the last 10 years or so and it had gotten to the point where I was ready to give up. I was back and forward to the doctors for many years and they just didn't know how to help me. Five months in I am blown away with the difference in myself. I honestly never thought It was possible to feel happy again. I'm singing again, I can concentrate, I'm laughing, and even exercising. I've lost weight, I've lost the bloated belly, my hairs grown back, I have no joint pain but most importantly, I feel like me again. My body is functional again and I will be forever grateful."


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Global Clinic